Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 44 - Wednesday July 14 - Hilden to Halifax (101 km)

"The end's not near, it's here"
We woke up this morning to a thick fog, giving the day a dreamlike quality. Dad had the cereal set out for breakfast, along with a birthday card for me (today is my 25th birthday, and I wanted to do something significant to make it a memorable one... reaching the Atlantic Ocean should suffice!). The ride to Halifax was magical. In a way, it was like every other day: just me, my bike, and the open road. And yet it was different - knowing it was the last leg of this journey, I savoured every kilometer, trying to memorize the feeling of soaring freedom that comes from living in the outdoors, rising with the sun, and propelling myself forward each day by sheer force of will (and a little muscle). The ride went smoothly all the way to Halifax - wooo-hoooo! Arriving at Point Pleasant, the Atlantic Ocean destination, felt very surreal. I walked across the sand and into the ocean, biking cleats, bike and all. I crouched down, and let the cool, salty water wash over my hands and feet, seeing, and not quite believing. In impeccable Mother-Nature-timing, the sky opened up and it started to pour, and we stood in the rain, grinning and laughing. Dad suggested that we pack up and go CE-LE-BRATE. I reluctantly loaded up my bike, and looked back as we drove away. Pacific to Atlantic. 44 days. I'm here. It hasn't sunk in yet!
P.S. We went back to the beach the next morning to get some of these pictures, sans rain! ;)


  1. WOO WOO!!! CONGRATS V!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! YOu're done-zo!!! COngratulations! WHATTTTTTT an accomplishment!

  3. hey congratulations V!....these photos are really great...i especially love the one where you are crouching down. have a great drive back. talk with you soon.
