Saturday, July 17, 2010


First and foremost, I would like to thank my companions on the road: Jocelyne, Dad, Aunt Trish, and Cathy. You MADE this trip - you made it fun and positive and possible - and it wouldn't have been the same without you! A big thank you to all of my friends and family (and in particular, a special thanks to my Mom) for all of the love and support - knowing you were rooting for me at home was a great source of encouragement. Thank you to our generous "Rest Day" hosts (Whitney, Jocelyne's grandparents - Mr. and Mrs. Sulavella, Laura and Aunt Wendy) for all of the pampering, hospitality, and cozy accommodations! Thank you to all of the kind strangers we met along the way - whether it was a smile, taking a moment to chat, offering to help by the side of the road, or even offering a place to pitch a tent, you always made us feel very safe, welcomed wherever we went, and proud to call ourselves fellow Canadians. Thanks to my supervisors, Drs Michael Tschakovsky and Kyra Pyke, for granting me time off from my PhD, with your blessing, to pursue this dream. Thank you to Dairy Farmers of Canada, Gay Lea Foods, and Frontenac County Dairy Producer Committee, for sponsoring this trip in part. And last but not least, thank YOU for following this blog - it's been wonderful being able to share this experience! So Thank You, Thank You, Thank You again to all, and just remember: when you dream it might come true... when you dream, Dream Big.

Peace, love and biking,
Veronica :)


  1. Thank YOU for sharing. It's been wonderful following you, living vicariously through you, becoming inspired by you. I look forward to reading your next adventure, wherever, whenever that may be. Cheers!

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed your beautiful trip. I was with you in spirit as you travelled through the many places in the Maritimes that we have driven through. It is difficult to imagine you cycling on some of the hills especially in N.B. It is a beautiful part of Canada.
