Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day 14 - Monday June 14 - Indian Head to Moosomin SK (163 km)

"Sunscreen, cross-winds and leapfrog"
Today started off sunny and we checked the forecast from camp - looks like sun for the next little bit (awesome!). We learned today that the provincial flower of SK is the western red lily (we've been smelling them everywhere). We were on the road by 8, and when we stopped for a break mid-morning we saw our friends from yesterday (Pedalers for Prostate) bike by. We bought some delicious milk, drank it (mmm) and then mosied on. We caught up with the boys on our next rest stop while we stopped to buy lunch (more pb and bagels). This "leapfrogging" continued all day, and it's nice to have some familiar faces on the road and tpo know that there's other people around. Also, we mentioned before that the prairies weren't really flat... Scratch that. Turns out it's the more eastern part that's completely flat and straight. We had a lot of games of "how far do you think it is to that grain tower?" Our guess: 4 km. Actual distance: 12 km. It's really hilariously painful when you can see the town that you're going to but know that it's still 30 km away. The standard joke that you could "watch your dog run away for a week" holds true here. We had a junk-food fast-food dinner due to lack of grocery stores, and talked to some super-friendly locals. Arrived at our beautiful campsite around 8:30, and for the first time it's not next to the train tracks! Today J spilled trail mix all over the road, and just sat down and munched on it as if it was in a bowl. We are both getting sore behinds and probably permanent tan lines (not that we're complaining!). Can't believe it's day 14!
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  1. Hi V and J:)
    Just read your updated blog for about the third time today. Enjoying it and your trip with vicarious pleasure. Hard to believe you will be in Manitoba today. "Watch your dog run away for a week" hilarious !
    Enjoy the moment.
    Ride safe.
    Aunt Trish

  2. Munching trail mix off the road... I guess the 5 second rule doesn't count when you're on a GRAND ADVENTURE!
    Loving your updates, pics and knowing you're looking out for each other...
    Love to you both,
    V's Mom

  3. Ha..but aren't the fluffy white clouds in the blue sky pretty on the prairies? If you think you have seen a 'straight' road....just wait until you hit the section of road east of Winnipeg! Must be 50 km without a curve....Have fun..ride safe...Love, Dad

  4. Have enjoyed every episode! Looking back over your first 12 days, I think your adventure could be scripted as the "12 days of biking" ... how many days of rain, having wet shoes, prairie dogs etc etc". God speed, Christine

  5. Veronica
    Kathleen has made sure that we are able to follow your journey. We are impressed!!!!!!!!!!
    Looking forward to all of your stories.
    Take care on the road.
    Mary-Frances & Stephen

  6. Keep happy. Keep healthy. Keep safe.

    Lots of love, from Aunt Wendy
